Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Develpment Studio
LAITS professional staff members work with Student Technology Assistants to produce websites for College of Liberal Arts faculty and staff.
Joeseph C. TenBarge Jr.
Director, Liberal Arts ITS / Assistant Dean
James Henson
Associate Director
Tim Fackler
Senior IT Manager
Peter Keane
Senior Software Developer
Gavin Sellers, 2012 UT Sophmore Student, College of Engineering
Software Developer
Suloni Robertson
Art Director / Supevisor for Student Technology Assistants
Lauren Moore
Information Specialist / CSS
Kei Kudose, 2012 UT Freshman, College of Engineering
Layout and Graphic Design
Leroy Rosales, 2012 UT Junior, College of Fine Arts
Layout and Graphic Design
Excerpts and images from the book "Speech Presentation in Homeric Epic" are used with permission from the University of Texas Press.